The role of spatial light modulators _ spatial light modulator use guide

The role of spatial light modulator

A spatial light modulator contains a number of individual units that are spatially arranged in a one or two dimensional array. Each unit can independently accept the control of optical or electrical signals, using various physical effects (Pokels effect, Kerr effect, acousto-optic effect, magneto-optical effect, self-electrooptic effect of semiconductor, photorefractive effect) Etc.) altering its optical properties to modulate the light waves on which it is illuminated.

These independent small units are generally referred to as "pixels" of the spatial light modulator, and the signals controlling the pixels are referred to as "write lights", and the input light waves that illuminate the entire device and modulated are referred to as "readout lights". The light wave emitted after the spatial light modulator is called "output light".

The role of spatial light modulators _ spatial light modulator use guide

To put it succinctly, a spatial light modulator can be thought of as a transparent sheet whose transmittance or other optical parameter distribution can be quickly adjusted as needed. Obviously, the write signal should contain information that controls the individual pixels of the modulator. The process of transferring this information to the corresponding pixel location is called "addressing."

The role of spatial light modulators _ spatial light modulator use guide

Spatial light modulators are a class of devices that can load information onto a one- or two-dimensional optical data field to efficiently utilize the inherent speed, parallelism, and interconnectivity of light. Such devices can change the amplitude or intensity, phase, polarization, and wavelength of spatial light distribution or convert incoherent light into coherent light under the control of time-varying electrical drive signals or other signals. Because of its nature, it can be used as a building block or a key device in systems such as real-time optical information processing, optical computing, and optical neural networks.

The spatial light modulator is generally classified into a reflective type and a transmissive type according to the readout mode of the read light, and can be classified into optical addressing (OA-SLM) and electrical addressing (EA) according to the manner of inputting the control signal. -SLM). The most common spatial light modulator is the Liquid Crystal Light Valve (LCLV). The principle is shown in the figure.

The role of spatial light modulators _ spatial light modulator use guide

The liquid crystal light valve utilizes direct conversion of light and light, and has high efficiency, low energy consumption, high speed and good quality. It can be widely applied to the fields of optical computing, pattern recognition, information processing, display, etc., and has broad application prospects.

Spatial light modulators are key components in modern optics such as real-time optical information processing, adaptive optics and optical computing. To a large extent, the performance of spatial light modulators determines the practical value and development prospects of these fields. Main applications, imaging & projection, beam splitting, laser beam shaping, coherent wavefront modulation, phase modulation, optical tweezers, holographic projection, laser pulse shaping, etc.

Space Light Modulator Usage Guide

There are two ways to work with a spatial light modulator in conjunction with a computer (or notebook). One is the copy mode and the other is the extended mode:

The role of spatial light modulators _ spatial light modulator use guide

1, when the desktop computer (without graphics card) is connected to the spatial light modulator, you need to purchase another suitable split screen device (refer to one point two, interface VGA common split screen device), the working mode defaults to copy mode, can not be in extended mode use;

2, desktop computer (with separate graphics card) or notebook (including VGA interface) can be directly connected to the spatial light modulator, the working mode can choose copy mode or extended mode. In extended mode, information loading can be done using General Control Software.

3. When using GCI-7704 pure phase reflection electrical addressing spatial light modulator, desktop computer or notebook needs HDMI high-definition interface, you can choose copy mode or extended mode after connection.

4, under normal circumstances, it is recommended to use a notebook to connect the spatial light modulator.

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