Nowadays, we can see many IoT devices around us, from smart cities, unmanned stores, smart bracelets, intelligent temperature controllers, etc. We have already enjoyed the convenience brought by the Internet of Things, but with At the same time, the scene of the Internet of Everything in science fiction movies is still far away. We always habitually estimate the future close enough, and the discovery of technology clearly extends our distance from the future. Simply put, the development of the Internet of Things is still very slow today.
Of course, if it is slow, it is only relative. The concept of the Internet of Things was formally proposed in 1999. Now, after nearly 20 years of development, if it only starts from the Internet of Things itself, its technological progress has become quite large. Breakthrough. However, the development of the Internet of Things has not been able to meet the increasing consumer attitudes, and for many other reasons, the Internet of Things is still in a state of low-speed development.
If you want to explore why the development of the Internet of Things is still slow, you can summarize the following reasons. One of them is that basic research cannot keep up. As we all know, the Internet of Things relies on the connection of many sensors through the network, data interaction, and finally the entire Internet of Things system. Therefore, the Internet of Things is essentially a sensor network, self-organizing and multi-hop network.
But trying to implement a distributed sensor acquisition network is not as easy as you might think. Traditional wireless networks, such as cellular and WLAN, can achieve better communication and intelligent communication by optimizing routing and bandwidth allocation strategies in the case of high-speed mobility. However, this kind of scheme is flawed in the sensor network. Firstly, it is limited by the supply of energy. At present, it can only be powered by battery or solar energy, and it cannot directly provide energy. Therefore, the focus of current sensor design is to ensure the maximum function. Energy saving and increase the life cycle of the network.
Secondly, the transmission distance of the wireless module is positively correlated with the transmission power, but what should be done when the distance between the communication nodes is greater than the maximum transmission distance? Finally, how to solve the problem when the wireless node is out of power?
It can be said that the above three problems are the three core problems in the current research of wireless sensor networks. Almost all the research is to overcome these three difficulties. If these three problems are not resolved, then wireless sensor networks will not be able to talk about, let alone commercialization of the Internet of Things.
How to solve the key problem of slowing down the development of the Internet of Things?There are currently some corresponding solutions for these three basic problems. The first routing strategy problem has been studied in academia, such as flooding, flooding, SPIN, directed diffusion, and so on. Then how to solve the communication distance problem, resulting in a multi-hop network and an organization network.
The multi-hop network is well understood. In order to reduce the energy loss caused by the wireless transmission distance of the node, the node will send the data to the nearest other node, and pass the data in the way of minimizing the loss by the baton. This is more Jump network (mulTI-hop); and the organization network (ad-hoc) is more complicated. Each node in the organization network is both a network node and a router, and each node can communicate as a gateway and an external network. Packets can also be forwarded, which allows for multiple ways to transfer data, and how to choose the best way to pass data is the next challenge.
As for the last question, how to power the nodes, because the efficiency of solar energy conversion is still not high, the use of solar energy for power supply will be ineffective. The easiest and straightforward way to do this is to replace the battery, but this will waste a lot of time. Therefore, it is now being studied to supply and communicate electromagnetic signals in the modulation space of the reflective scatter link, that is, wireless charging technology, which can completely solve the power supply problem, but there is still a long way to go from experiment to commercial use.
The above is the bottleneck of the development of the Internet of Things from the perspective of sensor technology constraints. In addition to technical factors, the development of the Internet of Things has many other reasons.
Weak demand standard chaosFirst of all, it is naturally weak demand. At present, the application of the Internet of Things has not yet appeared in personal consumption except for commercial or industrial use. This has also led to the explosive development of the development of the Internet of Things.
Secondly, since the Internet of Things is still in a state of chaos, there is a standard for Internet of Things wireless connection technologies such as NB-IoT, LoRa, ECGSM, eMTC, etc., which cannot be unified, making the cost of IoT hardware always high. .
In addition to hardware, the software ecology is even more difficult to build. Now IoT companies even have to package software and hardware through one-stop service.
With the development of technology, the generation of animal network data, and how to ensure the security of these data, and the subsequent legal issues concerning the collection of user privacy data, have limited the development of the Internet of Things.
Of course, with the development of 5G and artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things will also take a big leap forward under these technologies, which will help solve the problems of the Internet of Things technology and standards, and the solution of these problems will also bring animal networks. With the establishment of ecology, the Internet of Things will gradually improve and build.
The development of the Internet of Things must also be driven by technologyAt present, the most important issue is still in the demand of the Internet of Things, and demand is a driving force for technological progress. How to activate the market demand for the Internet of Things is also the key that needs to be solved at present, so many things can be seen. The propaganda of networking is precisely to guide the market to accept the Internet of Things and lay the foundation for the future development of the Internet of Things.
The future of the Internet of Things is infinitely possible, but for now, the enthusiasm for the development of the Internet of Things is still unsuccessful, but there is no need to feel anxious about it. It’s just because our expectations for the Internet of Things are too high. The networking itself has also been steadily advancing.
There is a saying in Bill Gates's Road to the Future that we always overestimate the changes that will take place in the next two years and overestimate the changes that will occur in the next decade. The future of the Internet of Things is undoubtedly bright, and we just have to wait for the day it arrives.
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