In accordance with national policies, the central and local financial subsidies shall be set. The local financial subsidies at all levels shall not exceed 50% of the central subsidies. For all types of vehicles in 2019-2020, the central and local subsidy standards and caps shall fall 20% on the current basis. In the new energy vehicle catalogue model, the purchase tax will be exempted until December 31, 2017. According to the model and cruising range, the mileage of pure electric vehicles is 100 to 150 kilometers, the subsidy amount is 20,000 yuan/car, 150 to 250 kilometers, 36,000 yuan/car, more than 250 kilometers, 44,000 yuan/car; Electric extension program electric vehicle, the cruising range is greater than or equal to 50 kilometers, subsidies 24,000 yuan / vehicle; fuel cell model 200,000 yuan / vehicle.
Taking Beijing as an example, the amount of Beijing-level subsidies is 50% of the central subsidy, and the total amount of financial subsidies applied by local automobile manufacturers for local and central government must not exceed 60% of the vehicle price. At the same time, Beijing policy requires a warranty period of not less than three years or 60,000 kilometers for vehicles, and a warranty period of not less than 5 years or 200,000 kilometers for key components such as power batteries, motors, and vehicle controllers. . New energy vehicles enjoy a separate wave in Beijing, an unlimited policy. For a pure electric vehicle with a cruising range of 100 to 150 kilometers, the state subsidizes 20,000 yuan, and Beijing subsidizes 50% of the state subsidy, that is, 10,000 yuan, and the total subsidy is 30,000 yuan. A pure electric vehicle with a cruising range of more than 250 kilometers can get a total subsidy of 66,000 yuan.
In Shanghai, the subsidy policy for pure electric vehicles is basically the same as that in Beijing, and the extended program with a cruising range of 50 km or more can also receive a subsidy of 3.4-4.8 million yuan per vehicle, and a special number plate can be obtained free of charge. The Guangzhou policy is slightly different. New energy vehicles purchased by non-individual users apply for local financial subsidies. The accumulated mileage must reach 30,000 kilometers (except for special-purpose vehicles). The subsidy standards and technical requirements are implemented according to the vehicle's annual driving license. Some oil-electric hybrid models can receive a local subsidy of 10,000 yuan. Other cities refer to national standards and make minor adjustments in light of local conditions. For example, new energy vehicles in Shenzhen and Tianjin enjoy road and bridge fees, charging fees, self-use charging design and installation fees, and enjoy the first day of parking (first hour). Temporary parking fee discount.
According to Japanese news, the Ministry of Finance has convened four ministries and commissions and related association experts and representatives of major enterprises to conduct a small-scale discussion on the direction and plan for the subsidy adjustment of new energy vehicles in 2018, and several versions have been circulated. When the industry is uneasy, it is about to enter the last month of 2017, and the 2018 new energy subsidy policy will also be unveiled.
Is the subsidy policy the same as the version circulating in the industry? What is the impact on power battery companies? Can industry voices and expert advice influence policy adjustments? The lithium battery big data will organize some of the contents of the 2018 subsidy new policy for everyone.
In 2018, the subsidy policy for new energy vehicles is mainly adjusted from three aspects: the subdivision of the cruising range subsidy will be finer, the battery energy density requirements will be increased, and the energy consumption coefficient will be subsidized.
1, pure electric passenger carThe picture shows that compared to the 2017 pure electric passenger car subsidy, the details of subsidies in 2018 changed more:
(1) The subsidy threshold will be further improved. The subsidy standard will be adjusted from 5 in 2017 to 5, and the mileage threshold will be increased from 100 km in 2017 to 150 km, and the subsidy will be adjusted from 20,000 yuan to 10,000 yuan. / car. To be straightforward, a car has a cruising range of at least 150 kilometers to receive a subsidy of 10,000 yuan.
(2) The energy density of the pure electric passenger car battery pack has also been adjusted. The 2017 policy is not less than 90Wh/kg, and the subsidy is 1.1 times higher than 120Wh/kg. In 2018, the minimum energy requirement of the battery pack is required to reach 105 Wh/kg, and the energy density is 120 (excluding) ~140 Wh/kg. The central financial subsidy adjustment factor is 1, and the adjustment factor of 140 Wh/kg or more is 1.1.
(3) It should be noted that the 2018 pure electric unit battery power subsidy limit does not exceed 1100 yuan / KWh. The local financial bicycle subsidy ceiling remains unchanged, and it is still no more than 50% of the central government bicycle subsidy.
The discussion papers revealed show that compared with pure electric passenger cars, the adjustment of new energy bus subsidies is even stronger, the slope of the decline is nearly 40%, and the cap of the bicycle country is adjusted to not exceed 180,000 yuan (2017: 230,000) Yuan), the upper limit of the national supplement + land subsidy was reduced to 270,000 yuan.
(1) The central financial subsidy standards for non-fast-charged pure electric buses, fast-charged pure electric buses, and plug-in hybrid buses have been reduced by 1100 yuan/kWh, 2,000 yuan/kWh, and 1,500 yuan/kWh respectively.
(2) The lowest grade of system energy density for non-fast-charged pure electric buses is increased from 85-95 (inclusive) Wh/kg in the 2017 subsidy program to 110-120 (inclusive) Wh/kg. The local financial bicycle subsidy ceiling remains unchanged, and it is still no more than 50% of the central government bicycle subsidy.
According to the analysis of Guojin Securities, even if the amount of subsidies is lowered, the maximum amount will be reduced from 450,000 to 270,000. Compared with the maximum of 150,000 from 2017 to 450,000 in 2017, the impact is relatively small.
3. New energy trucks and special vehiclesIn 2018, the three-subsidy subsidy standard for new energy trucks and special-purpose vehicle subsidy schemes was lowered from 2017, and the national bicycle subsidy ceiling was adjusted from 150,000 yuan to 100,000 yuan.
The lowest mass energy density of the power battery system is increased from 90Wh/kg to 115Wh/kg. The local financial bicycle subsidy ceiling remains unchanged, and it is still no more than 50% of the central government bicycle subsidy.
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