Using two single power amplifier boards to form a circuit diagram of BTL subwoofer power amplifier circuit

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A home theater must have an active subwoofer. Pushing the subwoofer's power amplifier board, if the output power can reach 200w, it will be able to emit low-frequency, earth-shocking low-frequency, so it is generally necessary to use ^l output. This circuit is suitable for mono amplifiers that use discrete components or integrated circuits, and can form a ^1 output without changing one component. The principle is very simple, that is, using two lm3886 or tda7294 mono power amplifier boards, using the operational amplifier to change the phase of the input signal, one input positive signal, the other input negative signal, two power amplifiers form a ^l circuit, the output synthesis power can reach 200w, the circuit is shown in the figure.

BTL subwoofer power amplifier circuit is composed of two single power amplifier boards

BTL subwoofer power amplifier circuit is composed of two single power amplifier boards

Operational Amplifier:

The operational amplifier (OperatiONal AMPlifier, OP, OPA, OPAMP for short) is a DC-coupled, differential-mode (differential mode) input, usually a single-ended output high-gain voltage amplifier. In the actual circuit, usually combined with the feedback network and different feedback methods, together form certain modules with different functions and characteristics, these modules are the most basic links in various electronic circuits. It can be seen that the application in the electronic circuit is wide.

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