The Museum of Robotics in London unveiled you to see the robot 500 years ago

In 1920, Czech science fiction writer Karel? Apek wrote a novel called "Roseau's Universal Robot." This novel brought the word "robot" to the dictionary for the first time (originally referred to as "Robota") and later slowly evolved into the Western language. "Robot") was less than 100 years ago.

The Robotics Exhibition held at the Science Museum in London, UK, officially opened on the 8th, exhibiting more than 100 robots. According to the exhibitor’s propaganda, one of the oldest robots dates back 500 years.

伦敦博物馆机器人展开幕 带你看看500年前的机器人

Social Robot RoboThespain

The scope of the robots included in this robot exhibition is very wide. The “robots” span the ages from the 16th century to the 21st century. These "robots" are not all the kind of ultra-intelligent robots that we currently say.

The "chief" robot of the pavilion is made up of RoboThespain, a British-made social robot. The robot has the shape of a human figure, about the size of a real person, able to walk around inside the exhibition hall and interact with visitors.

The star robot Pepper, jointly developed by Japan's Softbank Group and Aldebaran Robotics in France, also appeared in this exhibition. Like RoboThespain, it became a representative of the “high-tech integrated” social robot.

伦敦博物馆机器人展开幕 带你看看500年前的机器人

Pepper Robot

Social robots may not only be able to simply interact with people. They should help people solve some substantial psychological problems from a deep level. The British robot Kaspar is also present at this exhibition. Kaspar was developed by the University of Hertfordshire, UK. A robot that helps early recovery of children with autism. This robot will enable children with autism to become cheerful after communicating with them.

伦敦博物馆机器人展开幕 带你看看500年前的机器人

Kaspar robot

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