Arm Muscle Stimulation Shows Simulation of Response to Object Weight or Resistance

Virtual reality technology has made some significant progress in the past few years, but there are still some thorny issues that need to be resolved. Now, the project being conducted by the Hasso Plattner Institute in Germany can help developers solve one of the biggest obstacles to complete immersion.

When the VR experience shows the surrounding environment through the heads-up screen, its effect may be very convincing. However, when you reach out and touch nothing, immersion will quickly break. For this reason, a team led by Prof. Patrick Baudisch is trying to solve this problem by implementing tactile feedback.

According to a blog post published on the Hasselblad Plattner Institute's website, this project uses electric muscle stimulation to stimulate the user's muscle response. Dr. Portic’s team gives two examples: one is a large box that can be carried, and the other is a wall that is located in the environment.

The system they developed could stimulate up to four different muscle groups. It mainly achieves the required movement by activating the corresponding muscles, simulating the reaction of the user's body to the weight or resistance of the object.

The entire hardware device can be packaged in a small backpack while the sensors are connected to various locations on the user's arm. Although wearing backpacks and heads-up may cause slight inconvenience, Xiaobian thinks the technology has great potential.

The Hasselblad Plattner Institute has conducted two user studies and conducted field tests on the technology. Although their research will not necessarily translate into consumer products, it would not be surprising if the major VR vendors want to further expand this concept.

Many people think that VR itself is already very expensive, and additional hardware will further increase the cost. But regardless of the cost, the market always has a demand for high-quality VR experience, and this technology seems to be able to provide services for such people.

V Cone Flowmeter

The flow nozzles is a flow tube consisting of a smooth convergent section leading to a cylindrical throat area. The throat is the smallest section of the nozzle.

Flow nozzle is similar to the venturi meter. Its shape provides lesser resistance to flow, and it has a higher coefficient of discharge. Moreover, it has no divergent cone for pressure recovery.

1.Pressure recovery is low

2.Maintenance is high

3.Installation is difficult when compared to orifice flow meter.


V Cone Flowmeter,Differential Pressure Flow Meter,Differential Air Pressure Gauge Meter,Throttling Device V Cone Flowmeter

Kaifeng Chuangxin Measurement & Control Instrument Co., Ltd. ,