There are many names associated with Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) headsets, among which well-funded companies such as Microsoft and Magic Leap can be said to be at the top of the list. The goal of a startup in India is to become Microsoft and Magic Leap in the field of mixed reality through AjnaLens.
Ajna is roughly translated as "the power of the Sixth Sense", which allows you to see things that do not exist in the normal world. AjnaLens is the name of a device. Developed by NXG, headquartered in Mumbai, the company hopes to challenge possible stereotypes about the Indian technology industry.
NXG was founded in 2014 by CEO Pankaj Raut, Chief Operating Officer Abhijit PaTIl, Chief Technology Officer Abhishek Tomar and Chief Information Officer Gaurav Godbole, and was founded by Khimji Ramdas Group owner PayTM, Japan Vyas and Nailesh Khimji founder Vijay Shekhar Sharma provide support.
AjnaLens uses depth sensing technology to understand the surrounding environment and create real-time grids, then use artificial intelligence (AI), computer vision and world map technology to create magnified holograms and accurately place them in the real world.
The creators of the device claim that AjnaLens actually improves the functionality of devices such as HoloLens, because AjnaLens offers a 90-degree field of view instead of the 35 degrees offered by the current version of HoloLens, and they are also working to improve holography by using environmental re-lighting techniques. The quality of the map makes the hologram more closely matched to the real world, making it more stable and realistic.
Chief Operating Officer Abhijit PaTIl said: "Other competitors only have their developer version ready in the market, and companies don't know what to do after purchase. So we provide the company with a complete next-generation wearable computer to save Time and cost to increase productivity."
Dimension NXG hopes to attract customers from aerospace, automotive, defense, healthcare and manufacturing industries, at a lower price than its competitors, and plans to sell the device for $1,500 (USD), while the price of HoloLens It is £3,500.
Flat Control Cable Also known as festoon cable, this flat cable fits in confined spaces such as overhead cranes and hoists. It sends signal and data to operate, measure, or regulate automated equipment.
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