Sony PS VR Gaming Device: Winning in both price and quantity

[PConline News] Compared with Oculus and HTC Vive, Sony PS VR is somewhat limited in its use, PS VR is only applicable to PS4. However, it is superior to Oculus and Vive in overall cost, (Oculus and Vive require computers I5\4G\GTX 970+.And for the price of PS VR, Sony said it will officially announce its price and release date on the 15th of this month.Of course, in addition, the key to VR attraction is that Its use in games.

According to an interview conducted by Yoshida Shuiping, president of Sony Global Studios, in recent interviews, PS VR game prices will be set between US$10 and US$60. According to the CES1 month, the number of VR games on the Sony PS4 will exceed 100. Yoshida did not announce too much, but said that "GT Racing" and "Tekken 7" will confirm that they will support VR. Previously, HTC Vive was exposed as many as 124 first-time games, but these are old games such as "Half-Life", "Fortress Fortress 2" and "Heroes 2", and Yoshida did not shy away from the PS VR game category. It said, don't look at it. The game is small, with VR blessing, the experience will be greatly different. PS VR's new games will include "Summer Classroom", Capcom horror game "Kitchen", "Monster Hunter" and so on.

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