DC motor speed control board circuit based on KJZ1

Probe current voltage pin 420*4450 head diameter 5.0 over current current and voltage pin
Single chip microcomputer STM32L151CCU6
Adjustable capacitor Murata genuine original
TZC3Z030A110R00 MURATA Murata adjustable capacitor original spot

DC motor speed control board circuit based on KJZ1

KJZl DC motor speed control board is suitable for speed regulation of small power DC motor, with voltage negative feedback and speed negative feedback function. The user can select the motor speed negative feedback or voltage negative feedback and current negative feedback to form a Pl double closed loop regulator according to the need, control the phase shift voltage of the thyristor trigger, and convert the control voltage amplitude into a trigger with a sufficient power of the corresponding conduction angle. The pulse drives the high-power thyristor component to change the DC voltage to achieve the purpose of speed regulation.
The board has the following features: a. With a rectified voltage regulator device, generating ±15V and 24V DC voltage for the board to use. b. The output pulse is a pulse train. c. Using special circuits KJ004, KJ042, F747, the control board is small in size and full in function. d. Voltage and current feedback are respectively input into the dual op amp to form a regulator, which has good speed regulation performance and convenient adjustment. Electrical parameter phase shift voltage: 0 ~ 10V (variable according to requirements). Phase shift range: ≥l70°. Grid voltage (220 ± 10)%. Output rated current: 1 ~ 20A. Speed ​​ratio: up to 20:1. Trigger pulse formation: pulse train modulation, pulse train frequency is 5 ~ 10kHz. The connection between the control board and the external circuit is as shown.

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