A laser radar is a radar system that emits a laser beam to detect a feature such as a position and a speed of a target. From the working principle, there is no fundamental difference from microwave radar: transmitting a detection signal (laser beam) to the target, and then comparing the received signal reflected from the target (target echo) with the transmitted signal for proper processing. The target information, such as target distance, azimuth, altitude, speed, attitude, and even shape, can be obtained to detect, track, and identify targets such as aircraft and missiles.
But this article does not talk about aircraft missiles. This article mainly introduces the laser radar in the car, commonly known as the car laser radar, and the car laser radar, also known as the car 3D laser scanner, is a mobile 3D laser scanning system, which is currently One of the most effective tools for urban modeling.
What is a 3D laser scanner?The 3D laser scanner uses the laser's fast propagation speed and linear characteristics to transmit the laser and receive the returned information to describe the surface morphology of the measured physical. Since the reflectivity of the measured object is different, the received return information also has strength and weakness. The so-called three-dimensional is to cover a whole area by the horizontal rotation of the scanner. This process is very similar to the folk 360-degree panoramic photography. The difference is that the "negative film" we get is not an image but a surface morphology composed of thousands of dots, called a point cloud in measurement terms. Please see the hull on the right. It looks like a picture. It is actually composed of countless laser spots. Different colors are the performance of the laser returning to different reflectivities.
Car/shipborne lidarWhether it is on-board or on-board or even on-board lidar, the principle is to load the 3D laser scanner with the POS system. The goal is to build a DTM model over a longer, longer range. The purpose of GPS is to let the car "know" its position at any time to facilitate fitting. .
In any mobile measurement system, the navigation system, which is the source of the geographic coordinates of the point cloud and image, is a key component. Navigation systems generally use GPS and inertial navigation units. However, complex conditions on the ground, such as trees. Buildings and overpasses often block GPS signals. Therefore, an advanced navigation system must include other auxiliary sensors and sophisticated data processing methods to ensure that the accuracy of the route can be guaranteed while the GPS loses signals.
Application of automotive laser radarRoad and highway applications
1. Highway surveying, maintenance and surveying?
2. Highway asset inventory (traffic signs, noise barriers, guardrails, sewers, drains, etc.)?
3. Highway inspection (ruts, road surface, road deformation)?
4. Highway geometry model (transverse and longitudinal profile analysis)?
5. Structural analysis (overpass)?
6. Flooding assessment analysis?
7. Overlay analysis in GIS systems?
8. Landslide analysis, hazard assessment (landslide deformation measurement and hazard analysis, talc and flow analysis)?
9. Traffic flow analysis, safety assessment and environmental pollution assessment?
10. Earth and stone analysis?
11. Driving vision and safety analysis?
The disadvantages of lidarThe disadvantage of Lidar is that it can be affected in severe weather such as heavy rain and heavy snow. For example, Google driverless cars have never been tested under severe conditions such as heavy rain and heavy snow. Lidar can obtain the point cloud data model of the surrounding environment. Now it is used in areas with certain accuracy requirements in measurement, or intelligent equipment that needs to measure the distance between itself and the human body. This function is not perfect in measuring the distance between people and human beings. alternative plan.
In addition, laser radar also has disadvantages such as high price. In automotive laser radar equipment, the main cost is spent on GPS/IMU and 2D laser scanners, accounting for about 80% of the total cost.
1) The pros and cons of the on-board lidar system depend mainly on the performance of the 2D laser scanner. The more laser transmitter harnesses, the more cloud points are collected per second. However, the more harnesses represent the cost of the lidar is more expensive. In the case of Velodyne's products, the price of a 64-beam laser radar is 10 times that of a 16-beam bundle.
2) For higher demanding standards, the IMU is manufactured based on fiber optic gyroscope technology. It is expensive, about 1.5 million yuan. For the lower requirements of the IMU, there are many manufacturers of equipment to choose from, the price varies according to the model, between 100,000 and 500,000 yuan.
3) Velodyne's in-vehicle lidar does not currently appear to be part of the IMU component.
At present, the industry still has controversy about whether to use laser radar. Tesla's president, Elon Musk, publicly stated that no driver does not need laser radar, and the existing sensors can be used to achieve driverlessness, while Delphi and Toyota Both have started working with laser radar companies. Whether laser radar is used depends to a large extent on cost and effect. It is still difficult to judge the future market penetration of laser radar. If the low-cost laser radar solution can achieve the same effect, it will greatly promote the unmanned progress, and the penetration rate will rise. When McKinsey believes that the cost of a driverless solution reaches $20,000, driverless cars will have great commercial value. We make a bold assumption: In 2025, the $2,000 laser radar is widely recognized. Around 5% of the world's cars become unmanned or highly self-driving cars, and the market demand for laser radar will reach 11 billion dollars.
Future development trendAt present, the products and manufacturers of automotive laser radar are mainly concentrated in foreign countries, including the United States Velodyne company, the United States Quanegy company and the German IBEO company. Domestic laser radar products are mainly based on 2D laser radar, and are mostly used in fields such as topographic mapping, building measurement, and home service robots. However, domestic companies such as Radium Intelligent, Siwei Technology and other listed companies such as Superstar Technology and Han's Laser have begun to try to gradually enter the automotive laser radar industry. At the same time, because the current expensive price has become the biggest obstacle to the market promotion of automotive laser radar, low cost is the most important development trend in the future.
Compared with foreign countries, there is a big gap in multi-line laser radar, but the laser radar applied to service robots and sweeping robots is not much different. Domestic laser radar products are mostly used in service robots, topographic mapping, building surveying, etc., and 3D laser radar products for ADAS and driverless systems have not yet been developed. However, as the wave of smart cars flocked from abroad to foreign countries, many domestic companies represented by radium intelligence, thinking, superstars, etc. also began to try to enter the emerging industry of automotive laser radar.
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Dongguan Yiyou Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. , https://www.yiucn.com