On the signal conversion system of electronic speed regulation

The electronic governor is a control system that adjusts the speed of the steam turbine. It uses computer digital control technology to realize the speed control of large rotating equipment such as engines, steam turbines, hydraulic turbines and gas turbines. Different manufacturers have different hardware and software structures for electronic governors. Some manufacturers use digital circuits, and the hardware is a modular structure; some manufacturers use the control method of intelligent secondary meters. However, the general electronic speed control system is composed of a measuring element, a speed governor and a speed regulating valve. The governor can be divided into hardware and software.

The speed input software module converts the frequency signals from the speed probes MPU1 and MPU2 into the corresponding speed signals through the speed input template and sends them to the speed control software module. At the same time, the speeds are compared and judged, and then the logic results of the judgments are sent to Speed ​​setting and alarm shutdown software module. In the speed setting software module, the switching quantities such as increased speed setting, reduced speed setting, no-load / rated speed and remote input signal (compressor inlet pressure regulator 420mA output) via the switch input template, analog input Template to select the corresponding speed setpoint. At the same time, the speed input software module gives the logical result of the judgment (such as detecting that the actual speed is within the critical speed range), and selects the corresponding rapid rise and fall rates in the speed setting software module to ensure that the compressor quickly crosses the critical speed.

Speed ​​control software module The speed input speed of the software module, after this software module is compared with the speed setting value in the speed setting software module, PID adjustment is performed. The regulation output is sent to the speed and steam coupling related regulation software module.

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