Carton generates static electricity in printing - Database & Sql Blog Articles

LC03-3.3 SOP8 TVS Static Protection 3.3V

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Dome Fiber Optic Splice Closure

The Fiber Optic Splice Closure is suitable for protecting fiber cable splices in straight-through and branching applications. The F.O.S.C. can be placed in aerial, underground direct buried, wall-mounted, manhole and duct applications.

Based on an advanced formula, the plastic parts are made of injection-molded, high-strength engineering plastic PC by numerical control equipment, therefore effectively prevent products from aging caused by coldness, heat, oxygen and ultraviolet radiation

Dome Heat Shrinkable Seal Fiber Optic SpliceDome Fiber Optics Splice Closure

Dome Fiber Optic Splice Closure,Optical Fiber Splice Closure

Sijee Optical Communication Technology Co.,Ltd ,