Tencent Digital (Wen Xin) According to the TechCrunch website, Apple lost the influence left by Steve Jobs, making it face competition threats for the first time since the iPod was released.
In the past, Apple had been at least one step ahead of its rivals in terms of hardware technology and software experience. If you want to switch to the Android or Windows camp, users must give up some of the features, user experience and the latest and best applications. For users, the cost of switching to rival camps is quite high.
Apple takes advantage of this advantage to gain the upper hand in negotiations with partners - the terms of the agreement tend to be more favorable to it. This also makes it gaining influence among consumers.
Consumers are willing to buy new adapters for Apple devices because they are value for money. This year, Apple took measures that harmed the interests of users and did not consolidate its advantages through new technologies.
In 2016, Android phones have surpassed the iPhone. They are equipped with higher-resolution display screens, better cameras, cloud services and virtual/augmented reality technologies, and have waterproof capabilities. The cost of switching to the Android camp is thus greatly reduced.
Now, Apple has become a chaser in the market competition. In addition, Apple is still doing something that is detrimental to the user experience, such as removing the iPhone headset jack, further reducing the overall cost of switching to the opponent camp and destroying the trust of the fruit powder.
Android also dominates the global smartphone market. The global smartphone market is becoming increasingly saturated, which means that the biggest growth opportunities will come from the new platform - Apple is lagging behind in these areas, and competitors are striding forward.
From iPod to iPhone to iPad, Apple has always been a leader in new technology platforms. However, apart from rumors, Apple currently has nothing to do in areas such as virtual/augmented reality, self-driving cars, and so on. Although Apple is rarely the first to eat crabs, it has always been able to do its best in related fields and maintain its leading edge. Ask yourself, if Apple is involved in the virtual/augmented market, users believe that it can do its best? I am afraid that users do not have full confidence in Apple.
The Apple Watch is Apple's first new product launched in the post-Jobs era and is the first product to fail to have significant influence in the market. After Jobs's death, Apple's product launches became increasingly unattractive, filled with lengthy, boring software demos and technologies that didn't impress people — such as TouchBar, HomeKit, and HealthKit. Apple TV does not even support 4K technology. Although it is the first voice assistant available, Siri has fallen behind Google Home and Amazon Alexa.
TechCrunch said that at the same time, under the leadership of Satya Nadella, Microsoft is rapidly innovating and taking the necessary risks in areas where Apple is not willing to risk - such as Augmented Reality HoloLens holographic glasses, launching Surface Studio. Enhance the competitiveness in the desktop area. It is expected that Microsoft will also have a big move in the mobile phone field.
Apple recently reduced or dismissed the self-driving car sector and reorganized the company. There have been rumors that Jony Ive, Apple's big design genius, will step down and the company will undergo a major restructuring. This is a clear sign of Apple's management and organizational problems.
Some people in the industry believe that Apple is transforming into a software company. This is a worse sign because the ease of use and stability of Apple's software has been declining. The latest version of iMessage and iOS show this. iCloud performance is even worse. In addition, there is a problem with Apple's software development culture. Teams are not allowed to communicate with each other, and data is not used to improve the product. Therefore, the speed at which they learn cannot be compared with that of a real software company.
To make a comeback, Apple needs an imaginative CEO. Tim Cook is an operator-type chief executive who specializes in improving profit margins and company efficiency. He has not yet demonstrated a foresight or sense of urgency in becoming a leader in innovation.
In contrast, Nadella is an imaginative CEO who has the ability to rejuvenate Microsoft. Steve Ballmer is more like Microsoft's Tim Cook.
The App Store is Apple's greatest product and is the source of iOS's vitality. Apple's most important customer base is high-income people and fans. Although the US iOS market share has fallen by 16% since 2012, App Store sales are still four times that of Google Play Store.
The explanation for this phenomenon is that iPhone users are more willing to spend money on "arming" devices and have more disposable income to purchase applications than low-income Android users. Traditionally, Android phones are cheaper and lack technology and applications. But now, Android phones are not inferior to the iPhone in terms of technology and applications. There will be more Apple users switching to the Android camp and even the Microsoft computer camp.
TechCrunch claims that developers are most sensitive to the latest trends in technology. If Apple lags behind in the new platform, developers will begin to enter the Microsoft and Android ecosystem, and will become competitors to attract developers to abandon iOS and switch to their own mobile and desktop platforms. When developers began to change the door, Apple was in trouble.
Apple will not decline in the short term, but it faces the fiercest competition for a long time. Innovation inspiration and peer awe are about to become the opponent's advantage, Apple is the time for coaching.
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Source: TechCrunch
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