Samsung VR Patent Exposes Highly Technological Smart Ring

According to foreign media reports, although Samsung released the new Gear S3 smart watch at this year's Berlin International Consumer Electronics Show, it is fair to say that the smart watch revolution started slowly. However, smart watches may not be Samsung's only wearable device, a new patent shows that Samsung also attaches great importance to smart rings.

Samsung patented a technology that shows a smart ring that users can wear on their fingers. It integrates buttons and sensors and can be used to control other networked devices.

TechRadar said that the "+" and "-" buttons on the ring are used to control the volume of media playback, and a series of dots on the bottom surface indicate that it has some fitness tracking functions, such as heart rate detection sensors.

Use a ring to control the VR experience?

However, obtaining a patent does not mean that Samsung will launch related products, but it is worthwhile to explore how Samsung uses the product described in the patent.

Will the smart ring be used to control Samsung's new Gear VR virtual reality experience? TechRadar claims that the Gear VR is a portable virtual reality helmet that works perfectly with an unobtrusive controller. Samsung's SmartThings IoT home automation center may also partner with smart rings.

However, in addition to possible fitness functions, it is difficult to imagine someone using a smart ring to control a smartphone.

The competition in the field of smart rings is not yet intense, and existing products have not caused a sensation.

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