Brief Analysis of Low Pressure Contactor Market Overview

Low-voltage contactors have become very mature as traditional low-voltage electrical products. The manufacturing process of the low-voltage contactor product itself is not complicated, and the relatively low technical content, coupled with sufficient market demand, has spawned a large number of manufacturers of low-voltage contactors; and low-voltage contactors with different load currents also show a price The greater the difference, the price covers the range from a dozen to a few thousand dollars. Enterprises want to enter the low-voltage contactor market and benefit from it, need to have a fuller understanding of the current low-voltage contactor market in mainland China, including major application industries, industrial chains of various industries, potential industries and other aspects.

The market concentration of low-voltage contactors is not high, especially in the low-end product market. Schneider currently has a large market share in the mainland low-voltage contactor market (about 23%), the top five companies accounted for only 66% of the total market capacity, and the remaining 34% were shared by many low-voltage contactor manufacturers.

At present, a large part of the low-voltage contactors in the mainland are purchased by low-voltage equipment manufacturers, and these enterprises are relatively price-sensitive. Therefore, the prices of the mainland low-voltage contactor market are generally low. At present, the mid-to-high-end market for low-voltage contactors on the mainland is basically occupied. Most of the products of mainland companies are located in the low-end market, and competition is fierce. However, the intensification of the overall market competition cannot hide the increase in the profits generated by the good growth of certain market segments. The subdivision application of low-voltage contactors is mainly in the traditional industries. The development of these industries is the prerequisite for the development of the low-voltage contactor market. The low pressure contactor market is greatly influenced by the development of the demanding industry.

Litz Wire

Litz Wire Typical applications are: high frequency inductor, transformer, frequency converter, fuel cell, the horse, communication and IT equipment, ultrasound equipment, sonar equipment, televisions, radios, induction heating, etc.In 1911, New England became the first commercial manufacturer in the United States to produce the Leeds line.Since then, New England has remained the world leader in providing high-performance Leeds line products and solutions to customers around the world.It is also transliterated as the "litz line".

Transformer coil combination diagram

Litz Wire,Copper Litz Wire,Copper Transformer Litz Wire,High Temperature Litz Wire