Harbin's first large-scale lighting lighting 3 points, 3 lines, 10 bridges

The reporter learned from the Municipal Comprehensive Rehabilitation Office that in order to welcome the convening of the Winter Games, Harbin City carried out the overall and large-scale lighting lighting project for the first time this year. At present, the construction of 10 bridge lighting lighting projects such as Xinyang Anfa Bridge, Hongqi Street Overpass and Haa Bridge have all started construction, and it is expected to be completed in mid-September. At that time, the illumination of the bridge with light strips, point light sources and special effects will make the ice city night scene more beautiful.

According to reports, this year's lighting includes a total of 10 bridges in the Qiulin commercial circle, the welcoming line 3:3 façade, the Dadonghui venue and the athletes' station and Haaqiao. Among them, the three-third-three line, the Dadong conference site and the athletes' surrounding areas are undergoing comprehensive façade renovation, and the lighting project will be carried out after the completion of the façade renovation project.

According to reports, the bridge body lighting large-scale use of energy-saving and environmentally friendly LED light source, the design pays attention to coordinate with the surrounding environment, strengthen the fixed anti-theft and damage prevention in construction, the project is expected to be completed in mid-September.

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