Turning on and shutting down the computer is an extremely simple matter for everyone. Even the older generation who do not know the computer can accurately find the power button to shut down, but today Xiaoxue will talk to you about 4 ways to shut down WIN10.
The effect will be completely different if the shutdown method is different.
Shut down
We start from the most familiar "shutdown" operation in this mode, which means giving up any unsaved data, and all accessories enter the power-off state. When restarting, the computer accessories will be detected and lit one by one, and the system data will be transferred from the hard disk to the memory. It takes a long time, but for the optimized WIN10, restarting is still quite fast.
Hibernation, data is packed and stored on hard disk
The computer in the hibernation state will pack all the data into the hard disk, including unfinished work data. In the hibernation state, the machine will copy the data in the hard disk back to the memory and return to the state before hibernation. The start of the sleep state and the start of the shutdown state require the accessory self-check process, so the boot time is similar to the shutdown mode.
Sleep, memory endlessly, ultra-fast startup
The memory and other accessories are still working in the sleep state to ensure that data is not lost, and the power supply is continuously powered. There is still a big difference between sleep and hibernation. Do not confuse the two. Because of its continuous work, it takes a very short time to start (wake up), and it can quickly return to the state before sleep, so as to continue all unfinished work. In addition, Xiaoxue has to remind you that you must not plug or unplug the hardware in sleep mode, especially the memory, otherwise it may cause damage.
Quick start mode, shutdown + hibernation + sleep
The last one is the quick start mode, which you may not be familiar with. The quick start mode combines the characteristics of the shutdown, hibernation and sleep modes. It is a new mode launched by Microsoft from Win8. It is similar to "hibernation" when shutting down, and writes the core data that maintains the operating system to the hard disk for temporary storage. When booting up, it is like waking up in sleep mode, fast reading and loading. How should this model be implemented?
Quick Start Settings ☑ Press Win+R, enter "Powershell" and run
☑ Input: Get-WinEvent -ProviderName Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-boot -MaxEvents 10 | Where-Object {$_.id -like "27"} and press Enter.
☑ See "Boot Type", where 0x0 represents the traditional shutdown mode, 0x1 represents the "quick start" mode, and 0x2 is the sleep mode.
☑ Continue to enter the command: powercfg /h on
☑ Complete opening of "Quick Start" mode
In "Power Options-Select the function of the power button", check whether there is "Start Fast Startup (recommended)" under "Shutdown Settings". Select both "Quick Start" and "Hibernate", and then save the changes.
Finally, I need to inform you that if you want to achieve fast startup, you need to meet the following conditions. You need to use UEFI mode BIOS and GPT mode hard drives. Only when these two requirements for fast startup are met, can you experience fast startup.
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