Source function
Randerr produces bit error samples
Randint produces a uniformly distributed random integer matrix
Randsrc generates a random matrix from a given number table
Wgn produces Gaussian white noise
Signal analysis function
Biterr calculates bit error number and bit error rate
Eyediagram drawing eye diagram
Scatterplot draws a map
Symerr calculates symbol error number and symbol error rate
Source coding
Compand mu law / A law compression / expansion
Dpcmdeco DPCM (differential pulse code modulation) decoding
Dpcmenco DPCM code
Dpcmopt optimizes DPCM parameters
Lloyds Lloyd rule optimizes quantizer parameters
Quantz gives the quantized level and output value
Error control coding
Bchpoly gives the performance parameters and generating polynomials of binary BCH codes
Convenc produces convolutional codes
Cyclic generates parity code and generator matrix for cyclic code
Cyclic polynomial generating cyclic code
Decode block code decoder
Encode block code encoder
Gen2par converts the parity check matrix and the generator matrix to each other
Gfweight calculates the minimum distance of a linear block code
Hammgen produces a parity matrix and generator matrix for Hamming codes
Rsdecof decodes Reed-Solomon encoded ASCII files
Rsencof encodes ASCII files with Reed-Solomon codes
Rspoly gives the generator polynomial of Reed-Solomon code
Syndtable generates a companion decoding table
Vitdec uses the Viterbi rule to deconvolute the code
(low-level function of error control coding)
Bchdeco BCH decoder
Bchenco BCH encoder
Rsdeco Reed-Solomon Decoder
Rsdecode uses Reed-Solomon decoding in exponential form
Rsenco Reed-Solomon encoder
Rsencode uses Reed-Solomon encoding in exponential form
Modulation and demodulation
Ademod analog passband demodulator
Ademodce analog baseband demodulator
Amod analog passband modulator
Amodce analog baseband modulator
Apkconst draws a circular composite ASK-PSK constellation
Ddemod digital passband demodulator
Ddemodce digital baseband demodulator
Demodmap demodulated analog signal constellation map back to digital signal
Dmod digital passband modulator
Dmodce digital baseband modulator
Modmap maps digital signals to analog signal constellations (for modulation)
Qaskdeco demaps from a square QASK constellation to a digital signal
Qaskenco maps digital signals to a square QASK constellation
Dedicated filter
Hank2sys converts a Hankel matrix into a linear system model
Hilbiir design a Hilbert transform IIR filter
Rcosflt raised cosine filter
Rcosine design a raised cosine filter
(low-level function of dedicated filter)
Rcosfir design a raised cosine FIR filter
Rcosiir design a raised cosine IIR filter
Channel function
Awgn adds Gaussian white noise
Galois field calculation
Polynomial addition on gfadd Galois field
Polynomial multiplication on gfconv Galois field
Gfcosets generates a rounded coset of the Galois field
Polynomial division on gfdeconv Galois field
Element division on the gfp Galois field
Gffilter filters data with polynomial over the mass gamut domain
Gflineq finds a special solution for Ax=b on the gamma domain
Gfminpol finds the smallest polynomial of the elements on the Galois field
Element multiplication on the gfmul Galois field
Element addition on gfplus GF(2^m)
Gfpretty displays polynomials in the usual way
Gfprimck detects if the polynomial is a basic polynomial
Gfprimdf gives the default basic polynomial of MATLAB for the Galois field
Gfprimfd gives the basic polynomial of the Galois field
Matrix rank on gfrank Galois field
Expression conversion of polynomials on gfrepcov GF(2)
Finding the polynomial on the gfroots quality Galois field
Polynomial Subtraction on gfsub Galois Field
Gftrunc simplifies the expression of polynomials
Gftuple simplifies or transforms the form of an element on a Galois field
Tool function
Bi2de converts a binary vector to a decimal number
De2bi converts decimal numbers to binary vectors
Erf error function
Erfc residual error function
Istrellis detects if the input is MATLAB's trellis structure (structure)
Marcumq universal Marcum Q function
Oct2dec octal number to decimal number
Poly2trellis converts a convolutional code polynomial into a trellis description of MATLAB
Vec2mat converts vectors into matrices
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