In the "New Value" column of the state diagram, you can enter the required signal value to perform a forced update of the status. For operational safety, it is recommended that the signal be forced to be executed when the plc is in the STOP state. To do this, select the "Write-ForceOutputsinSTOP" option in the main menu "Debug".
After entering the new forced value, you can force the specified signal by clicking the status button in the toolbar; click the status unforced button in the toolbar to cancel the specified Forced operation of the signal; click on the AllUnforced button in the toolbar to deactivate all signals.
The Force and Cancel Force Toolbar button options are only available for byte, word, and double word lengths with V, M, AI, and AQ memory types.
The following debugging features can be implemented by selecting various options under the main menu command "Debug":
"SingleRead": Obtains a "transient map", that is, only updates all states one time without continuously obtaining status update information from the PLC.
"WritAll": After all changes of "new value" are completed, use "write all" to transfer all the changed values ​​to the PLC at one time. Therefore, by this operation, a set of signals can be written to the program to simulate a set of control conditions or implement a set of control actions.
Force: Use the Force button in the toolbar to force the signal to a certain value.
"Read AllForce": Forces all signals to the set value.
"UnforcedAll": All signal forced release (Allunforced) button in the toolbar, can cancel all signals forced operation.
A power inverter, or inverter, is a power electronic device or circuitry that changes direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC).The resulting AC frequency obtained depends on the particular device employed. Inverters do the opposite of "converters" which were originally large electromechanical devices converting AC to DC.
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