Cloud computing refers to the mode of delivery and use of IT infrastructure, which means that the required resources (hardware, platform, software) are obtained through the network in an on-demand and scalable manner. The network that provides the resources is called the "cloud." In the era of cloud computing, cloud development is crucial, and PaaS is a product that can be faster and run for development projects.
Platform as a Service (PaaS) is a cloud computing product in which service providers provide a platform for clients to develop, run, and manage business applications without the need to build and maintain an infrastructure such as the software development process. facility.
Like other cloud services, such as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS), PaaS is delivered through the cloud computing service provider's hosting infrastructure. Users typically access PaaS products through a web browser.
PaaS can be delivered through public, private or hybrid clouds. With public cloud PaaS, customers can control software deployment while cloud computing providers provide all the major IT components needed to host applications, including servers, storage systems, networks, operating systems and databases.
Through private cloud services, PaaS is delivered as a software or device in the customer's firewall (usually in its internal data center). Hybrid Cloud PaaS provides a mix of public cloud and private cloud services.
Instead of replacing the organization's entire IT infrastructure for software development, PaaS provides key services such as application hosting or Java development. Some PaaS products include application design, development, testing, and deployment. PaaS services can also include Web services integration, development team collaboration, database integration and information security.
As with other types of cloud services, customers pay for PaaS each time, customers access platforms and applications hosted on the platform, and some providers charge a monthly fee.
PaaS's business interests and driversOne of the biggest advantages of PaaS is that organizations can get an environment to create and deploy new applications without the time and expense of building and maintaining an infrastructure that includes servers and databases.
This can lead to faster development and delivery of applications, which is a huge advantage for companies that want to gain a competitive advantage or need to get to market quickly.
PaaS also allows them to quickly test the use of new languages, operating systems, databases and other development technologies because they do not have to support the infrastructure. PaaS also makes it easier and faster to upgrade their tools.
The use of PaaS has prompted enterprise software developers to use cloud technology in their applications, helping to adopt modern principles and make better use of the cloud infrastructure (IaaS) platform.
Since organizations using PaaS can manage their applications and data, losing control is not a major issue because it is often used when using a cloud infrastructure or application.
Typical application of PaaSProviding a hosted environment for application development and testing is one of the most common uses of PaaS. But this is not the only reason companies use PaaS.
Research firm Gartner cited various use cases for PaaS, including:
API development and management. Enterprises can use PaaS to develop, run, manage and secure application programming interfaces and microservers. This includes creating new APIs and new interfaces for existing APIs, as well as end-to-end API management.
Business Analysis / Intelligence. Tools provided by PaaS allow companies to analyze data, identify business insights and behavior patterns, enable them to make better decisions, and more accurately predict future events, such as product market demand.
Business Process Management (BPM). Organizations can use PaaS to access the same BPM platform as other cloud offerings. The BPM suite integrates the IT components required for process management, including data, business rules and service level agreements.
Communication. PaaS can also serve as a delivery mechanism for communication platforms. This allows developers to communicate features such as voice, video and messaging in the app.
database. PaaS providers can provide services such as setting up and maintaining an organization's database. Research firm Forrester Research defines the database PaaS as "the configuration and management of automated databases, an on-demand secure and scalable self-service database platform that can be used by developers and non-technical people."
Internet of Things. The Internet of Things is expected to become an important part of PaaS use in the next few years, supporting a variety of application environments and programming languages ​​and tools that will be used in various IoT deployments.
Master Data Management (MDM). This covers the processes, governance, strategies, standards, and tools for managing critical business data owned by the business, providing a reference point for data. Such data may include reference data, such as information about customer transactions, and analytical data that supports decision making.
PaaS technology and providerPaaS includes multiple underlying cloud infrastructure components, including servers, network devices, operating systems, storage, middleware, and databases. All of this is owned and operated by the service provider.
PaaS also includes development tools, programming languages, databases, database management systems and other resources. And other tools from the provider.
Leading PaaS vendors include Amazon Web Services, Microsoft, Google, IBM,, Red Hat, Mendix and Heroku. Cloud computing for all major PaaS providers offers the most widely used languages, databases, containers and related tools.
There is no doubt that some of these companies are also leading suppliers of software development tools. Gartner estimates that there are currently about 200 PaaS providers.
Risk of PaaSGiven that PaaS is a cloud-based service, it has many of the same inherent risks as other cloud offerings, such as information security threats. PaaS is based on the concept of using shared resources (such as networks and servers), so security risks include putting critical data into this environment, and data is stolen due to unauthorized access or attacks by hackers or other cybercriminals.
On the other hand, major cloud providers are more effective at preventing such violations than traditional enterprise data centers, so information security risks have not proven to be an initial concern for IT teams.
Through PaaS, organizations incorporate service providers to establish appropriate access controls and other security regulations and policies into their infrastructure and operations. Businesses are also responsible for providing their own security for their applications.
In addition, there are potential issues with vendor lock-in in the PaaS environment as organizations rely on the infrastructure and software of a particular service provider. The legal question for IT requirements is whether the PaaS it chooses is interoperable with current and future IaaS and SaaS deployments?
Another risk for PaaS is when the service provider's infrastructure is down for any reason and may have an impact on the service. Also, what if the provider makes changes in its development strategy, programming language, or other aspects?
Don't just worry about these possible obstacles preventing companies from adopting PaaS. It provides more flexibility because the vendor manages the platform while operating the program.
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