Apple recruits talents for AR project: NASA engineers have joined

April 25th According to Bloomberg News, Apple has deepened its space and recruited talent for the Augmented Reality (AR) project. Informed sources said that Apple has hired NASA new technology expert Jeff Norris (Jeff Norris) to help build their future products.

Norris was the founder of the Mission Operations Innovation Office at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and was the first to try to use the VR/AR approach to help space crews manipulate the spacecraft.

Informed sources said that Norris joined Apple earlier this year as senior manager of the company's AR team. The department was formerly headed by Mike Rockwell, former director of Dolby Laboratories.

In March, Bloomberg learned from informed sources that Rockwell's team is currently developing AR glasses and related features for the future iPhone. The source requested to remain anonymous in the report. Apple and NASA JPL Lab declined to comment and Norris did not reply to the email request for comment.

Norris’s NASA program includes the distribution of headsets to ground scientists to help scientists conduct virtual “field” detection of Mars, as well as the development of HoloLens AR glasses developed by Microsoft for astronauts on the International Space Station. Norris joined NASA in 1999 to help employers develop software for manipulating the Mars rover. The following is an introductory video of Norris and Project Sidekick.

Augmented reality can superimpose images, videos, games, and other digital content on top of real-world scenes. There is no other technology that can appeal to Apple CEO Tim Cook like AR. At a meeting last year, Cook compared the potential of AR with the wave of smart phones, and concluded that AR will eventually become as popular as people's daily lives like three meals a day.

Bloomberg previously reported that Apple hopes to introduce AR-related hardware before 2018. In addition to stealing Norris from NASA, Apple is also committed to achieving this vision from the film industry, Facebook's Oculus, and Microsoft's recruiters. (Sun Wenwen)

CBD Pod System

A new rule from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) threatens to upend the American hemp industry, and could even result in criminal prosecutions for manufacturers of CBD and delta-8 THC products.

The DEA says the [interim final rule," issued Aug. 20, is simply a matter of adjusting its own regulations to account for changes to the Controlled Substances Act that were mandated by the 2018 Farm Bill (or Agricultural Improvement Act) that legalized hemp and CBD production. The new rule [merely conforms DEA`s regulations to the statutory amendments to the CSA that have already taken effect," says the agency. The new rule doesn`t break any ground, according to the DEA.

But many experts on cannabis and hemp law say the DEA rule creates a potential pathway the law enforcement agency could use to prosecute hemp processors and producers of CBD (cannabidiol) and delta-8 THC (or Δ8THC) products. There are two issues: partially processed CBD, and [synthetically derived" delta-8 THC.

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