At the moment, technology companies such as Google, Amazon and Facebook are investing in artificial intelligence. The most notable one is Google’s AlphaGo, a Go program developed by Google’s artificial intelligence company DeepMind. In the war, defeated the master of the game, Li Shishi. In fact, Apple has not been idle for the layout of artificial intelligence in these years.
Despite many acquisitions, it is absolutely cold, because every time the media is exposed to the news of a suspected acquisition of a company, Apple will admit, but will not disclose the details. Apple spokespersons usually use this sentence to answer the media: "Apple will buy small companies from time to time, and usually we don't talk about our purpose or plan."
In May 2015, Apple acquired the GPS company Coherent NavigaTIon.
Coherent NavigaTIon was founded in California in 2008. The founding team is an engineer from Stanford University and Cornell University. The company's GPS service can be precisely positioned to centimeters. One of the key areas is High Integrity GPS (iGPS), which uses GPS satellite signals from Iridium iridium to enhance GPS. The iGPS system is highly sophisticated, complete, and immune to interference and is suitable for global coverage.
In September 2015, Apple acquired Mapsense, a map visualization company with 12 employees, for between $25 million and $30 million.
Founded in 2013 in San Francisco, Mapsense's services and products allow users to access better map services and related data. The company specializes in developing tools for multi-source data analysis and providing visual location data.
In October 2015, Apple acquired the startup VocalIQ.
VocalIQ is a UK company whose technology understands natural language and allows users to interact with devices in a casual conversation, rather than the cold-speaking language that is understood by the average device. Apple uses the company's technology to enhance Siri functionality. In addition, VocalIQ is also focused on the field of automotive speech recognition, they believe that "vehicle voice dialogue system" can prevent driver fatigue or distraction. Previously, they had jointly developed a car speech recognition project with General Motors, so they can also help the auto car project that Apple is developing.
In the same month, Apple acquired artificial intelligence startup PercepTIo.
Without the need to borrow an external database, the company's technology can use artificial intelligence to image classification in smartphones, which is in line with Apple's strategy: use customer data as little as possible, and process data on the phone as much as possible. Apple acquired artificial intelligence startup PercepTIo, which can classify images based on devices (mobile phones, tablets) without the need for an external database. Perceptio's goal is to develop technology that runs an artificial intelligence image classification system on a smartphone without the need to extract data from a large external database. This is in line with Apple's strategy: use customer data as little as possible and process data on the phone as much as possible.
In January 2016, Apple confirmed that it has completed the acquisition of Emotient, an artificial intelligence technology company.
January 8 news, according to the "Wall Street Journal" reported that Apple confirmed on Thursday that it has completed the acquisition of artificial intelligence technology company Emotient. The main technique of the latter is to judge the emotion of the person through facial expression analysis. Emotient is based in San Diego, USA and has received $8 million in venture capital from Intel.
Emotient's past applications are primarily to help advertisers judge consumers' reactions to advertising. In addition, some doctors have used this technology to help patients who are unable to express to assess the degree of pain. Some retailers also install monitors on the shelves to observe the facial expressions of consumers. Improving image recognition technology is a hot topic in Silicon Valley. In addition to Apple, Facebook, Google and other technology companies have made great investments in artificial intelligence.
In August 2016, it acquired Turi, a machine learning startup based in Seattle, USA.
According to GeekWire, on August 5, 2016, Apple acquired the artificial intelligence company for about $200 million. Speaking of the startup Turi, Turi is already its third name. Turi's original predecessor was GraphLab, which successfully completed a $6.75 million Series A financing in just one year. In January last year, the company received $18.5 million in financing and changed its name to Dato, but was backed up and restored by data. The service company Datto sued the name issue, which the company changed its name to Turi earlier this month.
Headquartered in Seattle, USA, Turi develops products designed to help developers incorporate machine learning and artificial intelligence into their applications. The company has launched GraphLab Create, Turi machine learning platform and other products, which can be applied to anti-fraud, predict user quantity changes, sentiment analysis, user classification and other fields.
At the developer conference in June this year, Apple CEO Cook announced that it will open the Siri platform to developers, hoping to develop more practical applications and increase the user's stickiness to Apple devices. The industry believes that Apple's acquisition of Turi is mainly intended to strengthen the technical capabilities of its electronic assistant Sir.
The acquisition shows that Apple is aggressively entering the technology of artificial intelligence and machine learning, which will also expand Apple's business in Seattle. In the past two years, Apple is building an artificial intelligence engineering center in Seattle, and plans to expand Siri personal assistants and related technologies to more fully develop artificial intelligence technology.
At the same time, in recent years, Apple has actively expanded the recruitment of artificial intelligence team personnel to expand the scale. At present, Apple's number of artificial intelligence experts is estimated to be 3 to 4 times larger than before.
1. In early 2015, Paul Furgale, deputy director of the Automated Systems Laboratory at the former Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, joined Apple;
In July and July, Doug Betts, the quality inspection director of the former Italian classic car manufacturer Fiat Chrysler Group, joined Apple.
In March and August, Volkswagen former engineer Megan McClain, former Terrass engineering manager Hal Ockerse, and former senior engineer Jamie Carlson joined Apple.
In April and September, Jonathan Cohen, an expert in artificial intelligence and deep learning software at Nvidia, a chip manufacturer, joined Apple;
In May and October, electric motorcycle manufacturer Mission Motors filed for bankruptcy, and some of its outstanding engineers went to Apple.
In recent years, Apple has invested heavily in artificial intelligence, especially through the acquisition of a number of startups in the field of artificial intelligence. Last fall, Apple acquired Perceptio and VocalIQ to improve the performance of Siri. By January of this year, Apple acquired Emotient, a startup that uses artificial intelligence to recognize and respond to facial expressions, and a Swiss company dedicated to machine vision animation. It is reported that Apple has integrated the acquired new technology into the iPhone software and Siri and other products. The acquisition of Turi is now enough to show Apple's ambition to strengthen artificial intelligence technology.
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