Many users who use Cisco routers are familiar with the Cisco router operating system. Below we mainly analyze the tips for increasing the security of the Cisco router operating system. If it is not a reminder of the latest security warning issued by Cisco, many network administrators have not recognized them Routers can become hot spots for attacks. Cisco router operating systems are as vulnerable to hackers as network operating systems.
Most SMEs do not hire router engineers, nor do they outsource this feature as a must-do. Therefore, network administrators and managers do not fully understand and have no time to ensure the security of the router. Here are ten basic tips for ensuring router security.
1. Update your Cisco router operating system: Just like the network operating system, the Cisco router operating system also needs to be updated to correct programming errors, software defects, and buffer overflows. Always check with your router manufacturer for current updates and operating system versions.
2. Modify the default password: According to the Computer Emergency Response Team at Carnegie Mellon University, 80% of security incidents are caused by weak or default passwords. Avoid using ordinary passwords, and use a mix of upper and lower case letters as a stronger password rule.
3. Disable HTTP settings and SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol): The HTTP settings section of your router is easy to set up for a busy network administrator. However, this is also a security issue for routers. If your Cisco router operating system has a command line setting, disable the HTTP method and use this setting method. If you are not using SNMP on your router, then you do not need to enable this feature. The Cisco router operating system has an SNMP security vulnerability that is vulnerable to GRE tunnel attacks.
4. Block ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) ping requests: Ping and other ICMP functions are very useful tools for network administrators and hackers. Hackers can use the ICMP function enabled on your router to find out information that can be used to attack your network.
5. Disable the telnet command from the Internet: In most cases, you do not need an active telnet session from the Internet interface. It is safer if you access your router settings from the inside.
6. Disable IP directed broadcast: IP directed broadcast can allow denial of service attacks on your device. The memory and CPU of a Cisco router operating system cannot withstand too many requests. This result will cause buffer overflow.
7. Disable IP routing and IP redirection: Redirection allows packets to come in from one interface and then out from another interface. You don't need to redirect well-designed packets to a dedicated internal network.
8. Packet filtering: Packet filtering only passes the kind of data packets you are allowed to enter your network. Many companies only allow port 80 (HTTP) and port 110/25 (email). In addition, you can block and allow IP addresses and ranges.
9. Review security records: By simply using some time to review your log files, you will see obvious attacks and even security holes. You will be surprised that you have experienced so many attacks.
10. Unnecessary services: Unnecessary services are always disabled. Unnecessary services on Cisco router operating systems, servers, and workstations must be disabled. Cisco devices provide small services by default through the network operating system, such as echo (echo), chargen (character generator protocol), and discard (discard protocol). These services, especially their UDP services, are rarely used for legitimate purposes. However, these services can be used to perform denial of service attacks and other attacks. Packet filtering can prevent these attacks.
IDC (insulation displacement contact) D-sub connectors are a type of electrical connectorthat's designed to be connected to the conductor(s) of an insulated cable, most commonly a ribbon cable(a cable with many conducting wires running parallel to each other on the same flat plane).
Applications for IDC D-sub connectors
IDC D-sub connectors, attached to ribbon cables, are helpful in situations where you need to make a lot of connections without a big number of wires. They're commonly used in computer and electronic systems that require multiple data buses to link internal peripherals, such as disk drives to their drive controllers. They're also frequently used in industrial and telecom applications.
How does an IDC D-sub connector work?
With an IDC D-sub connector, there's no need for cable preparation – in other words, you don't need the strip the cables of their insulation before connecting. To connect the cable to the connector, there are sharpened blades (or contacts) on the connector that force through the insulation around the cable, making a secure connection.
IDC D sub connector from Antenk, Outstanding features high contact reliability, long life and low contact resistance.
IDC D-Sub Connectors
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