Control impedance PCB
Many customers asked us what information we need for impedence control PCB.Here,there are two types for PCB manufacturer,a is single impedance ,just one trace ,two holes .and b is differential impedance,it always go with 1 pair (two trace with same width and space). For single impedance,you just tell us the trace width one which layer and what value you require .For differential impedance,trace width/space,layers and value. Our experience engineers will calculate following your instruction with Polar software.We may change trace width/space or stackup ,but please do not worry, if any changes,we will send you to approve before proceeding. Generally,the tolerance is 10%,and more accurate is 8% .All impedance boards ,we will test here and report.
Impedance Control Board,Impedance Controlled PCB,Gold Fingers PCB,Impedance Control PCB
Storm Circuit Technology Ltd ,