It is understood that the mtnGLO series tents are transformed from the ultra-light tents of Big Agnes. There are a number of led bulbs on the outside of the tent. The led lights are arranged along the top of the tent to provide bright or warm lighting to the tent. effect. In addition to the normal switch status, these lamps can also adjust the brightness by 50% depending on the sleep needs.
Perhaps many people worry that the design of the LED light may increase the weight of the tent, so it is not light. However, according to the official introduction of Big Agnes, the mtnGLO series tents have increased the LED lights, which have no effect on the weight of the tent itself, because these lights only need to use AAA batteries or use USB power to charge.
At present, the tent is on the Big Agnes official website, and the price is 219.95~599.95 US dollars (about 1421~3877 yuan). At the same time, Big Agnes also offers a mtnGLO LED light kit worth $39.95 (approximately $258), including an LED cord, pendant and remote control.
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USB to RJ45 console cable is used for connecting networking equipment, such as routers, switches, and etc, to a computer or terminal for management and debugging purposes. This cable is commonly used in networking and IT environments to establish a console connection to network devices that support console ports. USB to RJ45 console cable has many advantages such as Universal Connectivity,Ease of Use,Elimination of Serial Ports,Compact and Portable,Driver Support,Cost-Effective Solution,No External Power Required and etc.
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Password Recovery
Monitoring and Logging
Initial Device Deployment
Remote Management
Console Access for Virtualized Environments
Lab Testing and Simulation
Training and Education
Integration with Network Management Systems
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