Chi Mei's two high-level officials resigned from the industry to analyze the future of the "five possibilities"

After Liao Jinxiang, the former chairman of Chi Mei Electric, resigned last week, the market speculated that it would be replaced by Hon Hai, which would help the Chi Mei Telecom loan pass. Analysts and industry believe that Chi Mei’s future “five possibilities” are worth paying attention to.

First, solve the financial dilemma of Chi Mei Power. Guo Taiming, the chairman of the second largest shareholder of CMI, Hon Hai Group, said that the bank’s group will force the Chimei Telecom loan case, and the bank group will immediately solve the problem of insufficient funds of Chi Mei Power through the 40 billion to 60 billion yuan joint loan case of Chi Mei. The bank group and the government not only spoke to the outside world, but also hoped that Guo Taiming would come forward to guarantee the joint loan case of Chi Mei. Since Guo Taiming was quite re-elected by President Ma Ying-jeou and presided over the ground-breaking ceremony of the Kaohsiung Software Park, he personally invited President Ma to host. Perhaps with the support of Ma Ying-jeou, Guo Taiming will spare no effort to make Chi Mei Power continue to operate.

Second, the amount of paid-in capital of Chi Mei Electric is NT$73.129 billion, and the accumulated loss to the end of the third quarter is NT$519.992 billion. Some companies with large losses will consider when the loss exceeds one-half of the share capital. , take the practice of reducing capital and paying compensation, and then increase capital. Since Liao Jinxiang has resigned as the chairman of Chi Mei Electric, the outside world believes that this represents the determination of Chi Mei Group to fade out of the panel industry. Under the fact that Chi Mei Group may reduce its capital contribution, it is also feasible for Hon Hai Group to increase its capital.

Third, Chi Mei Electric looks for new partners. The new generation of panel makers in mainland China is about to mass production. In the initial stage of technology, it is also a feasible way to introduce funds from the mainland panel factory and participate in the increase of Zimei Power. The mainland has a market, there are funds, but lack of technology, Chi Mei's technology and production capacity is just complementary to the mainland.

Fourth, Chi Mei's electric segmentation is also a viable way to cut out the two profitable sectors of touch and small and medium size. These two departments are more likely to make money; sell the large-size panels with losses to others.

Finally, the government supports the merger of the two, and proposes supporting measures is also a way.

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