The latest radio frequency table of Xi'an

Shaanxi People's Radio Station Call Sign FM Stereo MW Station Name Power Transmission Location Coverage Location Economic Frequency FM89.6 * AM603 Fortune Broadcasting 10KW Provincial TV Tower Provincial Coverage Traffic Frequency FM91.6 * AM1323 Power FM 10KW
Music frequency FM98.8 * 10KW
Life frequency FM101.8 * 30KW
News Comprehensive Frequency FM106.6 * Satellite Broadcasting 10KW Qinling Niubei Mountain The province's same frequency coverage literary frequency FM99.4 AM747 1KW 10KW Caotan Medium Wave Launch Station Rural Frequency AM900 10KW Caotan Medium Wave Launch Station Xi'an People's Broadcasting Station News Frequency AM810 10KW Cold Kiln Transmitter music frequency FM93.1 5KW Nanshaomen Transportation Tourism FM104.3 5KW Lianhu Road District County Radio Weiyang People's Broadcasting Station FM105.3 300W
Changan People's Radio FM99.8 100W
Xianyang People's Broadcasting Station FM100.7 FM107.6 1KW
Weinan People's Radio News Comprehensive Frequency FM102.6 AM747 3KW 1KW
Music frequency FM90.9 3KW
College Foreign Language Teaching Radio Northwest University FM86.5 FM87.2 300W 15W
Northwestern Polytechnical University FM86.7 FM87.0 10W 10W
Xi'an University of Science and Technology FM86.5
Changan University FM86.7 FM87.4 FM84.15
Xi'an University of Architecture and TechnologyFM86.7
Xi'an Jiaotong University FM86.1 FM87.5 100W 20W (same frequency launch from school headquarters and financial campus)
Xi'an University of Technology FM86.7 20W 30W (same frequency transmission from the school headquarters and Qujiang campus)
Xi'an University of Finance and Economics FM85.0 FM86.3 FM83.1
Xi'an United University FM88.0
Xi'an Peihua CollegeFM86.5
Xi'an Institute of Technology FM86.9
Xi'an Translation CollegeFM87.7
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D Sub Connectors Right Angle Mount

Combo Power (High Current) D-sub Connectors, Right Angle Board Mount, Machined Contacts

Here are plenty of Combo Power (High Current) D-Sub Connectors female & male for sale. You can choose the best fitness one. Check the following pages of products and find out the Right Angle Combo Power (High Current) D-Sub Connector you want.

Features of Power D-SUB Connector Right Angle, Machined

Available in standard configurations
Contact Antenk for other sizes / contact arrangements.
Available in 10/20/30/40 amp power contacts, 5 amp signal.
Allows signal, high current & high voltage in one connector.
Contacts are pre-loaded into the insulator.

Materials of Power D-SUB Connector Right Angle, Machined
Shell: Steel, Nickel plated
Insulator: Glass-Filled Thermoplastic, U.L. 94V-O, Black
Signal Contacts: Machined Copper Alloy, Full Gold Flash
Power Contacts: Machined Copper Alloy, Full Gold Flash
Bracket: Cold Rolled Steel, Nickel Plated
Boardlock: Brass, Nickel Plated

Standard Power D Sub Connectors Right Angle Mount, High Density Power D Sub Connectors Right Angle Mount, Right Angle POWER-D Mixed Contact Connectors

ShenZhen Antenk Electronics Co,Ltd ,