Industry information security such as power is highly concerned

Industry information security such as power is highly concerned On August 29th at the 24th China International Measurement, Control and Instrumentation Exhibition, industry experts Yang Xiaoqiang said that China's automation industry has undergone tremendous changes in the past 40 years. He pointed out that in the 1980s and before, from relays to PLCs, PCS, to motion control, and bus technology, advances in automation technology have been driving the development of China's automation industry. Since the 1990s, due to the complexity of the automation technology standards, the communication standards of different brands of automation equipment have become self-contained and have become a “technical disaster”.

Yang Xiaoqiang said that after 2010, the technology development of the automation industry has undergone new changes. Now automation equipment manufacturing companies can provide integrated, platform-based, open control technology, which allows equipment in a unified application environment. It is possible to form a unified communication method. However, it also brings new problems - that is, under the open control platform, how to ensure the safety of industrial information and communications. From a current point of view, all industrial control systems before 2000 were "naked." Yang Xiaoqiang revealed that under the current situation, the state pays close attention to industrial information security, especially to industries such as electricity and petrochemicals that are closely linked with the country’s economic lifeline. For this reason, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has also set up an “Industrial Information and Intelligence Unit” to supervise and manage the industrial information security of enterprises. . Guodian Power, Sinopec and other companies will form a huge demand for industrial communications security systems and equipment.

Listed companies involved in the information security business include: VenusStar, Weishitong, Blue Dun, Beixinyuan, etc.

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Shenzhen Hongyian Electronics Co., Ltd. ,