Have to look at the harmful effects of radiation on the human body?

The effect of radiation on the human body begins with the cells. It accelerates the decay of cells, inhibits the production of new cells, or causes cell malformations or changes in biochemical reactions in the human body. When the radiation dose is low, the human body has a certain ability to repair radiation damage, and the above reaction can be repaired so as not to exhibit harmful effects or symptoms. However, if the dose is too high, beyond the repair capacity of various organs or tissues in the human body, it will cause local or systemic lesions. The table below shows the biological effects of radiation currently recognized internationally. It can be seen that the human body can tolerate a concentrated exposure of 25 rem without damage. Of course, each person's resistance and physique are different.

Possible effects of whole body exposure dose

0-0.25 Hz has no significant damage

0.25-0.50 volts can cause blood changes, but no serious damage

0.50-1.0 Hz blood cells change and have some damage, but no fatigue

1.0-2.0 has a damage, and may feel weak

2.0-4.0 Xifu has damage, general weakness, and the infirm may die

4.0% of the fatal wounds

6.0 volts or more may die as a result

Radiation around us

When it comes to radiation, people are a little scared because it can't be seen or touched, but it can cause harm to the human body. In fact, radiation is not a rarity, and radiation is everywhere around us. In daily life, we will receive a certain amount of radiation when we are sunbathing, watching TV, wearing luminous watches, flying planes, and taking X-rays. It's just that the radiation in life is traced and will not cause harm to the human body, so people can't feel it. A large amount of radiation is very harmful to the human body, so we should take some protective measures to prevent and reduce the damage of radiation to our human body.

Natural background irradiation

Radioactivity is found everywhere in nature, and we have been receiving exposure to natural backgrounds. The "background" of natural radiation comes from two sources: one is radiation in the form of high-energy particles, which comes from outer space, collectively called cosmic rays; the other source is natural radioactivity, which is naturally occurring in common substances (such as air, water, and soil). And radioactive radiation in rocks, even food). In addition, people in modern society will be exposed to a variety of artificial radiation, such as X-rays, watching TV, using microwave ovens, etc. The table below lists the various background radiations by their size. It can be seen that humans eat, use, live, and walk will receive a small amount of radioactive radiation.


Living around a nuclear power plant about 0.0002 mSv per year

About 0.005 mSv per hour by plane

Watching an hour a day, the TV is about 0.001 mSv per year.

Eat food about 0.02 millisievert per year

Cosmic rays are about 0.03 mSv per year

Earth and housing are about 0.05 mSv per year

Drinking 20 cigarettes a day, about 0.038-0.075 millisieverts per year

An X-ray inspection of about 0.50-2.0 millisieverts

Natural radiation in high background areas in China is 3.70 mSv per year

The occupational dose limit for radioactive workers is 50 millisieverts per year.

Natural radiation in the world's highest background is 120 millisieverts per year

Residential environment radiation

The Indoor Environment Monitoring Center of the China Interior Decoration Association recently issued an environmental warning: the purchase of housing must pay attention to whether the electromagnetic radiation pollution of the community exceeds the standard. At present, many citizens have reported that the electromagnetic radiation pollution of their new residential area is very serious. Not only the electrical appliances in the home are too disturbed to be used normally, but many people have different degrees of discomfort. With the large-scale urban transformation and real estate development, some transmission and launch centers and high-voltage lines that were originally built around the city began to develop and construct. The electromagnetic radiation pollution problems in the community environment and indoor environment will follow. There are six main aspects to the harm of these electromagnetic radiation to the human body. 1. It is most likely one of the causes of childhood leukemia. Medical research has shown that long-term exposure to high electromagnetic radiation can cause changes in blood, lymph and cellular protoplasts. According to Italian experts, more than 400 children in the country suffer from leukemia each year. The main reason is that they are too close to high-voltage wires and are subject to severe electromagnetic pollution. 2, can induce cancer and accelerate the proliferation of cancer cells in the human body. Electromagnetic radiation pollution can affect the body's circulatory system, immune, reproductive and metabolic functions, and severely induce cancer, and accelerate the proliferation of cancer cells in the human body. According to Swiss research data, residents living in high-voltage lines around them are 7.4 times more likely to develop breast cancer than ordinary people. The results of a sample test conducted by the Texas Cancer Medical Foundation for patients suffering from electromagnetic radiation damage indicate that workers working near high-voltage lines have cancer cells growing 24 times faster than the average person. 3, affecting the human reproductive system, mainly in the male sperm quality, pregnant women with spontaneous abortion and fetal malformations. 4, can lead to children with mental disabilities. According to the latest survey, 350,000 of the 20 million children born in China each year are defective children, of which 250,000 are mentally handicapped. Some experts believe that electromagnetic radiation is also one of the influencing factors. The World Health Organization believes that electromagnetic radiation from computers, televisions, and mobile phones has an adverse effect on the fetus. 5, affecting people's cardiovascular system, manifested as palpitations, insomnia, some women's menstrual disorders, bradycardia, decreased heart rate, sinus arrhythmia, leukopenia, decreased immune function. If a patient with a pacemaker is exposed to high electromagnetic radiation, it can affect the normal use of the pacemaker. 6. It has an adverse effect on people's visual system. Since the eyes belong to the sensitive organs of the human body to electromagnetic radiation, excessive electromagnetic radiation pollution can cause vision loss, cataracts and the like. High doses of electromagnetic radiation can also affect and destroy the body's original biological currents and biological magnetic fields, causing abnormalities in the original electromagnetic field in the human body. It is worth noting that different people or the same person have different ability to withstand electromagnetic radiation at different ages. The elderly, children and pregnant women are sensitive to electromagnetic radiation.

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