CIE "Indoor Workplace Lighting" Standard Introduction

(CIE S 008/E-2001) Zhang Shaogang (China Academy of Building Research)
The standard was drafted jointly by CIE-TC 3-21 and ISO-TC 159/SC 5 WG2 to replace the original CIE 29-2-1986 Indoor Lighting Guide publication.

Good lighting will create a visual environment where people can see clearly, be safe, and perform visual work efficiently, accurately, and safely, without causing excessive fatigue and discomfort. This standard not only pays attention to the quantity of lighting, such as illuminance indicators, but also pays equal attention to lighting quality indicators, such as the limitation of uncomfortable glare and general color rendering index. The standard specifies the values ​​of the parameters that should be used to create comfortable lighting conditions, and also considers the requirements for safety, health and efficient work efficiency, while also addressing lighting energy savings. The following is an overview of the design indicators for this lighting standard.

1. Light environment

The light environment requires:

Visual comfort: Workers have a good feeling.

Visual effects: Workers can perform their visual work quickly and accurately even under difficult and long working conditions.

Visual safety: Quickly see the surrounding and dangerous situations.

To meet the above requirements, pay attention to the following main parameters:

Brightness distribution



Directionality of light;

Light and surface color;




In addition, parameters that affect the visual work efficiency of workers should also be considered:

Inherent working characteristics (large size, position, color, and reflectance of parts and background).

The visual function of the worker (sight, depth, color).

2. Brightness distribution

The brightness distribution of the field of view controls the level of light and dark adaptation of the eye, which affects the visibility of the work.

A balanced adaptive brightness can be improved:

Vision (visual clarity);

Contrast sensitivity (recognizing relatively small brightness differences);

The efficiency of the eye function (such as adjustment, focus, pupil contraction, eye movement, etc.);

Various brightness distributions within the field of view also affect visual comfort;

Too high brightness contrast can cause visual fatigue due to continuous adaptation of the eye;

Too low brightness and too low brightness contrast can cause a dark and non-irritating working environment;

Attention should be paid to the adaptation problem from one zone to another within the building.

The brightness of all surfaces is important. It is determined by the reflectance of the surface and the illuminance of the surface. The reflectance range of the main surface of the room is as follows:

Ceiling surface 0.6 to 0.9;

Wall surface 0.3 to 0.8;

Working face 0.2 to 0.6;

Ground 0.1 to 0.5.

3. Illuminance

The illumination and distribution of the work surface and surrounding area mainly affect how fast, safe and comfortable the identification is. All the illuminance values ​​specified in the standard are the illuminance values ​​on the reference surface and guarantee the visual safety and visual efficacy requirements at work.

3.1 Recommended Work Area Lighting

The value given in the illuminance table is the illuminance on the reference plane of the entire work area, and the illuminance on this reference surface can be horizontal, vertical and inclined. The average illuminance must not be lower than the value in the table, regardless of age and installation conditions. This value applies to normal visual conditions and takes into account the following factors:

Visual work requirements:


Psychophysiological aspects such as visual comfort and good condition;



The illuminance value can be adjusted. If the visual condition is different from the normal use condition, at least one level is adjusted according to the degree level; when the following conditions are met, the illuminance should be increased:

When there is a non-normally low contrast at work;

When the visual work is strict;

Fix the cost of the error;

When accuracy or high production efficiency is very important;

Workers' visual ability is lower than normal ability.

The required maintenance illumination can be reduced when the following conditions are met:

When the parts are not normally large or large contrast;

When working in a non-usually short time;

In the continuous work area, the illuminance should not be less than 2001x.

3.2 illuminance classification

The illuminance level difference is selected by approximately 1.5 times. Under normal lighting conditions, the horizontal illuminance of about 201x can just recognize the feature of the face and use it as the lowest value of the illuminance level.

The recommended illuminance value levels are:


3.3 Illuminance in the vicinity of the surrounding area

The illuminance adjacent to the surrounding area should be related to the illumination of the work area and provide a well-balanced brightness distribution within the field of view.

Illumination changes rapidly around the work area, causing visual stimuli and discomfort.

The illuminance near the surrounding area may be lower than the working illuminance, but should not be lower than the values ​​in the table below:

3.4 uniformity

The illuminance uniformity is the ratio of the minimum value to the average value, and the uniformity thereof should not be less than 0.7, and the uniformity of illumination in the adjacent area should not be less than 0.5.

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