Automatic power off type electric thermos

Parallel thermistor / NTC thermistor / product complete / Sunlord first-class agent
NCP03WF104F05RL MURATA Murata thermistor original spot
6.3V220UF Volume: 5X8 own factory direct sales - solid capacitor - patch aluminum
Hot 3528 white light 6-7LM

Automatic power off type electric thermos circuit

As shown in the figure, the circuit diagram of the automatic power-off electric thermos. After the electric kettle is turned on, the water temperature gradually rises to 100 degrees, the water begins to boil, and the steam impacts the bimetal on the steam switch. Due to the expansion and contraction, the bimetal expands and deforms, and the top open switch contacts are disconnected. power supply. If the steam switch fails, the water in the kettle will continue to burn until the water is dried, and the temperature of the heating element rises sharply. There are two bimetals at the bottom of the heating plate, which will rise sharply due to heat conduction, and will expand and deform. Turn on the power. Therefore, the safety protection device of the electric kettle is designed to be very scientific and reliable. This is the triple safety principle of the electric kettle.

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