Musk's Underground Tunnel Excavation: The Shield Machine Advances Its Initial Form

(Original Headline: Elon Musk Just Released Breakthrough Updates About His New Company)

Netease Technology News May 13 news, according to foreign media reports, the electric car manufacturer Tesla CEO Elon Musk (Elon Musk) recently founded the tunnel company Boring Company has received widespread public attention. The company’s goal is to create a tunnel network that can run high-speed transportation systems. Recently, Musk has sent a series of updates on the Boring Company through Twitter and Instagram, including pictures and videos of the company’s latest achievements.

Muske's tweet shows the initial stages of the tunnel completed by the Boring Company. The shield machine Godot has already begun to use for tunneling.

The company planned the first tunnel from "from Los Angeles to Curve City, Santa Monica, Westwood and Sherman Oaks", while the future tunnel will cover an entire area of ​​approximately 87,940 square kilometers (33,954 square miles) Los Angeles area.

Of course, considering the characteristics of the Southern California address, many commentators are worried about how the tunnel should resist natural disasters such as earthquakes. When asked if the tunnel was "shock-proof," Musk made a positive reply.

Godot is a huge shield machine, and the speed of digging is comparable to that of snails. However, Musk has planned to increase its speed by another 10 times. Once assembled, the machine will be more than 100 feet long.

The purpose of Boring Company's tunneling is to reduce commuting time in congested areas of Los Angeles. For this reason, Musk claimed that the tunnel will shorten the time it takes to get to the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) from downtown to five minutes.

Vehicles will move forward through the platform in the tunnel, which is powered by electricity at speeds up to 200 km (125 mph)

Musk seems to be an imperative person. Six months ago, he planned to “develop a shield machine and begin to dig tunnels.” He has now done it. In the beginning, he emphasized, "I want to make it clear that we don't know what we are doing." Now, he is making this dream a reality. (晗冰)

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Video show Musk Boring Black Technology (Source: Netease Technology Channel)

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