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Tencent Digital News (Compiled: Vanessa) Once upon a time, almost all outdoor sports enthusiasts will have a huge extension of the Vector sports watch, because Vector created an electronic watch with an altimeter, barometer, and compass (as early as in 1998). "ABC") and the precedent of the thermometer. Now, in order to meet the higher demands of consumers, the new “GPS-ABC†watch from Sejon Extension has added features such as activity logs, heart rate monitoring, smart notifications, etc.—whether this watch is worth your consideration. Shoot it? Let us look at its advantages and disadvantages in all aspects.
Function and design
The Ambit3 Vertical is available in black and white, blue and lime green. The dial features a 198 x 198 monochrome LCD, mineral crystal face and black steel frame. The watch weighs approximately 74 grams and is 100 meters waterproof. There is a comfortable silicone adjustable strap. The included Bluetooth heart rate strap is 30 meters waterproof and can work underwater.
There are 5 buttons around the Ambit3 dial, 2 on the left for return and view, 3 on the right for start/stop, next and backlight/lock. The main display is time, month, and date, and you can toggle the display of seconds, the battery charge percentage, or the number of smart notifications. Press the NEXT button to scroll through the compass, the total altitude since the last week, and the current recovery time. The visible state of these pictures can be switched in the watch's option menu by long pressing the "NEXT" button.
In addition to altimeters, barometers, compasses, thermometers, and GPS, Ambit3 is equipped with an accelerometer that records the pace of running and daily activity, but cannot count steps or record sleep. After pairing with a smartphone running a free application of Joyson Movescount Free App, Ambit3 can sync event information to and alert users by ring tone or vibration when receiving smart notifications.
The watch's workout menu includes 10 sports such as running, cycling, swimming, hiking, standing water skiing and windsurfing, and two positions such as triathlon and other "comprehensive sports." By adjusting the settings on site, users can customize and rearrange the list of sports on the watch, or create new sports that are not on the list.
Songson's “App Zone†enables users to add sunrise/sunset times, wave numbers, and other data to their watches through specialized applications, and even add a 15-week training program to prepare for a marathon or 100-mile bike ride. If you can't find the features you want, you can also visit the App Developer section of and use the point-and-click graphical interface to create your own applications.
After the activity record is synchronized with the Movescount app, the data is automatically uploaded to the website in Chungto, and then pushed to other fitness data websites such as Strava, Trainingpeaks, MapMyRun, and others.
Performance and use
The lime green Osho Extension Ambit3 Vertical used in this review features a USB connection/charging clip, waterproof heart rate sensor and a quick-start guide printed in 27 languages.
To make Vertical fully functional, you need to create an account on After creating an account, most of the settings for this watch can be controlled in the Movescount app.
As a watch, Ambit3 Vertical performed well. The display can be slightly customized, the LCD can be reversed; there is a countdown timer and stopwatch, but these two features are buried deep in the menu, you need to press the 6 button to see; there is an alarm clock, but only one alarm clock can be set , and can not set a repeat alarm - this is a big deficiencies. However, battery life is excellent: Occasionally using GPS can easily support one week; GPS can support three or four days if it is used more frequently; it does not need to be recharged for two weeks only if it is used as a normal watch.
However, the Ambit3 Vertical is much more than just a watch, and testing its sporting function is also a very interesting thing. To start an exercise, press the button at least 3 times: press 2 times to enter the exercise mode, and then press it several times to select the correct exercise. After the watch is connected to the GPS for a few seconds, you must press the last button again to start the exercise. The number of keystrokes is not much more than crazy, but the engineers of ChungTong can make this operation more concise.
After the exercise begins, press the START STOP button briefly to pause; after the exercise is over, press and hold the button for 2 seconds to save the data. Synchronize the watch with the paired smartphone manually (not synchronizing automatically), or connect the watch and the computer via the USB charging cable to send motion data to, but the operation steps are not very intuitive.
One of the coolest features of the Movescount app is "Suunto movie." After the sports data is uploaded, the app can automatically create a “movie†that shows the motion process on a three-dimensional map from a bird's-eye view. Its stunning screen effect is as professional as the stage preview of the Tour de France and can display speed, heart rate, etc. The data can also be automatically titled with the athlete's name, position, movement, and distance traveled. Video length can be set to 1 minute, 20 seconds or 5 seconds, ideal for sharing on Youtube, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
Training experience
For those who train for important events or events, one of Ambit3 Vertical's charms is that it can upload up to 15 weeks of daily training programs, and there are hundreds of plans to provide professional training guidance for almost any event to choose from. . After uploading the training plan, the watch will remind the user every morning of the training schedule of the day. Of course, many smart phone applications also have this feature, but it's cool to see the day's workout content on your watch at a glance. After completing the training, the watch will predict the recovery time based on the user's heart rate and exercise level to avoid excessive exercise.
The Ambit3 Vertical's smart notification feature is practical. The alert mode can be set to ring or vibrate, but there is very little information displayed. The caller only displays the caller ID. The e-mail only displays the first words of the sender and the text and completely ignores the title bar. The short message only displays the first 30 or so characters and cannot be read more by scrolling. If the user missed the notification on the home screen, the reviewer presses 3 buttons for a total of 6 times. Other sports watches do a better job in this area.
Overall, the function of this watch is far more abundant than the brief introduction on the introductory manual. One cannot help wondering whether there is no communication between the engineers of Songtex and those responsible for communicating with the consumers. The navigation of customizable options is also daunting. There is very little use of the application in the text of Ogachi's documentation, and there are few videos that I can find on Youtube. In addition, most of the applications are made by users themselves, and from time to time there will be some disruptions.
I installed an application for counting the number of waves that were rushed during surfing. The principle was to count each wave at a speed of more than 12 miles per hour. However, the results it recorded were extremely inaccurate. The author recorded a wave of water for each stroke, and finally logged 45 waves and 8 miles in approximately 35 minutes.
When we went home and analyzed data on, the maximum speed of surfing and climb and descent distances reached irrespectively 251mph and 800 feet, respectively. After I had dialed the support phone number of Songgo, I found that the reason was to set up the wrong sport on this surfing application. I chose "windsurfing/surfing" and somehow recorded the wrong speed and changed it to "open water swimming". The problem is solved. I do not know how many users will have such unrelenting patience to study such technical problems.
to sum up
Advantages - 100-meter waterproof, "Suunto movie" experience, downloadable training program, customizable application, waterproof heart rate monitoring strap.
Disadvantages - the menu is complex, the application document is vague, there is only one alarm clock, monochrome display.
In short, the Song extension Ambit3 Vertical is a very interesting sports watch, beautiful appearance, comfortable to wear, but want to play is not easy, may not be suitable for consumers who just want to record the exercise data, the price of 470 US dollars is also more expensive. However, users who are willing to devote themselves to research may soon put it down.
Source: Digital Trends
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